Payment Methods

The use of the platform, as well as every kind of communication through it, including the request to visit the showroom, is free.

Regarding the section of the online store, each product listing is accompanied by a brief description of it, its availability, as well as its price. For the completion of the order, “DAPHNE” demands from the interested user the registration of information that is necessary for the payment (unique address, credit / debit card number, beneficiary, address, postal code, country, etc.)

For each electronic payment, the user will be redirected via a hyperlink to a secure environment, where it will be necessary to fill in the special order form, entering the number and expiration date of the card, as well as the three-digit (3-digit) number (CVV ) written on the back of it.

For each purchase the user will be charged the shipping costs, which amount to five Euros (5 €) for Greece and fifteen Euros (15 €) for Cyprus. For countries outside the European Union the user will be informed on a case by case basis before the completion of the purchase.

It should be noted that the above mentioned amounts may fluctuate depending on the pricing policy of the cooperating transport company.

DISCOUNT PERIOD. “DAPHNE” in the context of commercial promotion of its products may from time to time secure preferential prices on specific already. In order to benefit from these offers, the user must make the purchase exclusively within the time period mentioned on the website.

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